
Individual courses in foreign language

Individual courses in foreign language

Dostupné termíny:

Wanna start climbing or just wish to try it first time but the given terms don’t suit you? Are you an experienced climber who wants to improve his/her climbing technique or belaying skills? In any case, we can arrange a climbing class according to your request and wishes.

We offer climbing courses for individuals, pairs or even small groups, young and old, beginners and advanced climbers.

Choose a date above or ask for the lesson via this FORM (at least 48 hours before the planned visit).


Price doesn’t include entrance and hire of climbing equipment.

HO SmíchOFF, z. s, provides instructors for you.

You can also give a climbing course via voucher. For buying the voucher, please visit our e-shop. buy here

Kudy k nám

Lezecké centrum SmíchOFF
Křížová 6
150 00, Praha 5 - Smíchov

  Zobrazit více

Provozovatel kurzů

HO SmíchOFF, z.s.
Táborská 979/5
140 00, Praha 4 - Nusle

IČ: 06350968

Online platby

Platební brána Comgate